Tuesday, September 22

Elizabeth Area Plan Meetings in Charlotte

The city will hold two meetings September 22, tonight, to discuss the process of the Elizabeth Small Area Plan. Both meetings are at St. John's Baptist Church (corner of 5th and Hawthorne), the first at 4 p.m., the second at 6 p.m.

Says Alan Goodwin of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department:
"The purpose of these identical meetings is to introduce the plan and planning process, solicit Citizen Advisory Group members, and hear stakeholders’ opinions, concerns, and ideas about the study area and plan scope. The same agenda items will be discussed at both meetings."

The Elizabeth Area Plan (EAP) will be a policy document that provides the framework for future growth and development and serves as guidance for elected officials when making land use and zoning decisions. It will provide a vision for what the community wants to be in the future and will identify what public and private investments and strategies should be pursued in order to realize the plan vision.
More specifically, the area plan will:

involve the community through an advisory group process in developing a long-term vision for the physical development of the area;
identify and address physical development issues and opportunities;
identify future land uses in an overall community-wide context;
recommend future transportation and infrastructure improvements;
provide community design policies;
provide direction on the preservation and/or protection of the natural environment;
provide implementation strategies for private and public investment decisions needed to realize the plan vision.
The Elizabeth Area Plan will update the 1985 Elizabeth Small Area Plan and the broader adopted land use plan now in place for the area (1993 Central District Plan). It will also build upon some of the concepts presented in the Seventh Street Developer Response (May 2008).

For more information regarding the Elizabeth Area Plan, please contact:
Alan Goodwin
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Planning Department
600 East Fourth Street (8th Floor)
Charlotte, North Carolina 28202


If you have a minute, please fill out this survey regarding the Elizabeth Small Area Plan before tomorrow's meetings:
It's 10 questions about our neighborhood, and it will take you about 5-10 minutes to complete.

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