'In November of 1874 the Crockery and Glass Journal reported that "all the factories in Meriden, Connecticut, are running over time. Bradley & Hubbard is especially busy this season with their regular fall trade of gas and kerosene fixtures and bronze ornaments. A large foreign order for gas-chandeliers, to be filled early next year, gives evidence of the advancing reputation of this house. They employ at present over four hundred hands, and preparations have already been made for adding, next year, another four story brick building to their present extensive establishment. Within the past year they have removed their New York show room (Murray and Park Place) to the commodious chambers, Nos. 21 and 23 Barclay Street, where a comprehensive display is made of the wares of their manufacture."

This is a totally undamaged bronze table lamp of the year 1908 with particularly French Revival, though with a demure color choice that is handsome on the appliance'
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